Self Esteem & Confidence
If you have low self-esteem and confidence, you’ll know just how limiting life is. For instance, you may want a better job with better pay, or to leave the relationship you’re in … but something stops you.
The negative beliefs you hold, affect your self-esteem and confidence, these are the truths you live by, be it negative or positive, and they’re usually out of your conscious awareness. Limiting or negative beliefs are like a shadow that follow you around wherever you go, heavily influencing every thought, feeling and decision you make.

Unhelpful beliefs are just that, unhelpful in that they sabotage or prevent you from moving forward in your life. Perhaps you were constantly belittled or criticized by a parent or step-parent or bullied at school, as a child or teenager. Common negative beliefs such as “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not intelligent enough” or “I’m un-loveable” develop from certain experiences and affect how you feel about yourself. Exploring where these beliefs came from and using EFT to tap on these means you can replace negative beliefs with more helpful ones about yourself and the world, this in turn improves self-esteem and confidence.
Above all, how could your life be different, with new-found confidence and improved self-esteem? Try EFT it works!